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We have 4 Awesome Enhancements for Dentists this July

Dentostack has introduced new features to enhance productivity and ease of use for dental clinics, streamlining daily activities and improving overall efficiency for dentists.

Dentostack has become even more productive and easier to use with its latest enhancements like same-day WhatsApp Campaigns, a better way to manage the appointment of deactivated dentist accounts, and preventing appointment bookings errors using our intelligent appointment scheduler, and presentable statistical reports.

Hello Dentists! We have some good news for you! With your continuous feedback, we improved our products and services. You can manage your dental clinic’s daily activities without any hiccups. Let’s look into the changes in detail:

Same-day Whatsapp Campaigns using Mediahut


Mediahut is a tool that allows you to broadcast clinic promotions or general dental awareness posters to your patients using its WhatsApp campaign feature. However, there was a limitation in the older system where you had to schedule the campaign at least one day in advance.

WhatsApp Campaigns are also used to share festival greetings to the patients. And the need to launch a campaign is generally felt on the same day as the festival. With the older system, the launch of such campaigns was not allowed.

We overcame the limitation now by letting you schedule the WhatsApp campaign on the same day, provided it is before 1 PM.

Better management of appointments


In dental clinics, where multiple dentists are working together, it is possible that at some point in time, one of the dentists may decide not to continue with the clinic. In that case, the account of that dentist is deactivated. Then what happens to the appointments that were already assigned to that dentist?

In the older system, it was required to reassign all those appointments before deactivating the account. With the improvement, the dentist account can be deactivated anytime without any worrying as the other dentists can easily navigate through linked appointments and reassign them to themselves.

Intelligent Appointment Scheduler

While booking an appointment, it is common to make mistakes like selecting the time as “4 AM” when the intended time was “4 PM”. We made the appointment scheduler intelligent to detect such mistakes and stop you from booking such appointments.

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This will help improve your accuracy as well as the patient experience with your clinic.

Presentable statistical reports

We improved the presentation of reports which are generated using the Statistics module of Dentostack.

This module generates reports like transaction summary reports which show the monthly income of the clinic for each month for a selected period. It can also be generated on a per-doctor basis if multiple doctors are working in the clinic. Similarly, It has a detailed transaction report which shows all the transactions done in a given month.


The improved layout makes the interpretation much easier and intuitive.

Final words to all the dentists out there, Our team at Dentostack is dedicated to make your daily work easier, smoother and hassle-free and this is why we are continuously evolving and enhancing our product and services. Stay tuned for more updates.

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About the Author

ekta arya

Ekta Arya, Content Writer at Dentostack, is a versatile person who also works as a soft skills and communication trainer. She handles everything while enjoying exercise, yoga, reading, movies, and music.